by Hariharan PV (Founder: AGROBIOGENICS; Author: AGROBIOGENICS Technology; TECHNIMATION; BLUEPRINT for WORLD Must Begin in India; DRDO Awardee)
Consultant, 7Qube Biz Solutions LLP (
(from his LinkedIn post)
Our Politicians continually make noise—“India Shining”, often unleashing cooked-up data.
1. Less than a million people (Politicians/Industrialists/Big Businesses/Cinema stars) enjoy 55% of the GDP
2. About 7% of the population pays income tax
3. Less than 80 Mn Working class scrape through the benefits of PF/ESI
4. Another 150 Mn eke out their living, through the concept of “Trickle effects”
5. Over ONE BILLION BoP live on just 5% of the GDP impact—millions living in dilapidated shanties/roadsides/railway-line sides
The 5th category includes 75% of the 185 Mn Farm Families (900 Mn members). The GDP per capita of One Bn people is < Rs.10,000 ($120). The Politicians offer lip service in support, but the Politicians/Celebrities enjoy 400 times the earning power of the downtrodden people🤔🤭🤫
The Western world brainwashes these Top INDIANS into becoming a sort of “COMMISSION-AGENCY” personnel, to purloin the $3.5 Tr purchasing power of about 12% of the population. That is the “ACHCHAE DIN” platform of India—the other 88% of the population living in poverty/misery. Within those, not less than 900 Mn are in deep poverty.
Indian GDP Per-capita must be $12,500 (now at less than $2,400), to be called a Developed Nation. But, what does it take to reach that level? How many years are needed, to reach that level? And, can we state that the Rupee-Dollar parity continues at this level? If not, what should be the real GDP, at that point in time? If India is to become a developed nation, we HAVE TO STOP ALL IRRELEVANT PROJECTS that waste Tax money; instead, concentrate on PLANNED DEVELOPMENT.
1. India must get out of Capitalist dictates, and become a Democratic/Socialist/Secular/Parliamentary system, where PEOPLE’S NEEDS will be prime [Not those of VVIPs, Celebrities, Politicians, etc]
2. #Education will be a Prime Social need,—every Indian must be offered FREE education
3. Every able adult must have a Minimum Decent Living (MDL) earning
4. Every family must have modern #healthcare
5. All of those can be made possible when India has modern Agriculture, Irrigation, Power systems, Transport facilities, Industries, Research & Development, Science/Technology/Engineering/Medicine—without increasing #CarbonFootprint
It will need the strenuous efforts of thousands of people. A SMALL GROUP has begun in a small way.
How many will join?